A clean home is a happy home
So, as the saying goes ” A clean home is a happy home” and we strive daily to make someone’s home a very happy one. The run up to the big man arriving is a little bit stressful for a housekeeper as people love to decorate their homes to look festive and pretty but this also adds to the fun of trying not to knock the baubles from the trees while your frantically trying to vacuum around the presents or life size reindeer (I joke). The garlands are added to fireplaces and windows are decorated with stickers or snow spray (omg I have to clean it off please stop)! but they still have dogs that love to wipe their noses across the windows as they watch for the postman arriving which means dog drool everywhere! As you can imagine we need to clean away said dog drool so the windows are sparkling for at least an hour until we leave – then the dog’s straight back up on their favourite perch. So what do we use here at Pure concierge cleaning to keep your windows so clean I hear you ask? well I shall let you all in on a little secret – we are little eco fairies that are trying to save the planet one house at a time, plus your health, while cleaning your home. We don’t just strive for perfection we do it with the knowledge that there are no harmful chemicals floating around your home. Young living thieves household cleaner is our amazing product of choice and it smells like Christmas in a bottle. Not only is it eco-friendly but it gets rid of those nasty little germs that like to lurk on your bench tops and your loo. Yes you got it – this wonder product is antibacterial so you can rest easy your little cherubs are safe.
While your house is taken care of there is the small task of putting out your bins! whilst taking your cardboard fortress to the recycling bin many a day I drop the lid of the recycling bin and end up with a rain shower due to the weather in Costa del Newcastle being god damn awful… and no I haven’t learned yet because my mind is usually wondering what colour bin needs to be put out for their collection. Green and brown hmmm or is it blue never can I remember what bin it is even though I put the other bin out the week before. Then there’s the small task of taking part in the wheelie bin challenge to get said wheelie bin across a sea of deadly gravel. I kid you not that gravel is out to kill me and I’m sure there a suckers that sneak out and grab hold of the wheelie bin wheels as I try and pull the bin across the drive which grows in size as your pulling a 2 tonne bin. But at the end of the day we know that your client appreciates the effort, blood sweat and tears you pour into their home every time you walk through their door. Our housekeepers slowly become part of the family and the kind words we receive can make even a stone heart flutter.
The ‘bat’ phone, as we call it, due to its distinctive ring tone, awaits your call to find out more about the wonder products we use and our brilliant cleaning service. Our team are practically bathing in Thieves, whether it’s at work or home, there’s generally thieves involved, and it may be the cleaning product or using the essential oils in our office and home diffusers – It’s slowly but surely changing our lives as well as yours. Say no to toxic products – we have!
Take care and remember, if it feels like you are always cleaning instead of spending time with loved ones, give us a call and we’ll come wave our magic wands over your home.
Check out our cleaning blog next week….
The Pure team.